Remboursement de votre Cotisation à un Club d’Astronomie !

Reimbursement of your Astronomy Club Membership!

Dear astronomy enthusiasts,

We have some exciting news to tell you! To celebrate our shared love of the night sky and encourage even more people to join this community, we're launching a special offer on our astronomy site.

How does it work?

If you are a member of an astronomy club in France, you can benefit from a total reimbursement of your annual subscription in the form of a voucher used on our site. Here are the details of this offer:

  • Reimbursement of membership fee: We will refund your entire annual membership fee to your astronomy club, up to a maximum of 60. (if your membership fee is greater than 60 -> voucher of 60)
  • Voucher: The refund will be made in the form of a discount coupon that you can use to purchase products on our site.
  • Conditions of validity:
    • The reduction coupon will be issued upon presentation of a membership certificate or a contribution receipt from an association registered in France under the 1901 law status.
    • The discount coupon is valid once a year and limited to one use per person.

Why this offer?

We know how important it is to be part of a community that shares the same interests and passions. Astronomy clubs offer incredible opportunities to learn, explore and observe the sky together. By refunding your membership fee, we hope to help you stay involved in these communities while offering you the chance to discover new equipment and resources on our site.

How to benefit from this offer?

To benefit from this offer, simply follow the following steps:

  1. Become a member: Make sure you are a member of an astronomy club in France.
  2. Prepare your documents: Gather a membership certificate or dues receipt from your astronomy club.
  3. Contact us: Send us these documents via our contact form or by email
  4. Receive your voucher: After verification, we will send you a reduction coupon corresponding to your subscription (up to 60) which you can use on our site.

Enjoy the universe at your fingertips

Whether you are an amateur astronomer or a confirmed enthusiast, this offer is made for you! Use your discount coupon to purchase telescopes, accessories and more on our site. We have everything you need to explore the universe from your backyard or while out with your club. We hope that this special offer will allow you to continue your celestial explorations with even greater enthusiasm and satisfaction.

Look up, the stars are waiting for you!

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