This text is not a problem to be solved, but rather a code snippet that appears to be a review widget from It contains various settings and styles for displaying reviews on a website. There is no specific problem or question presented in this text, so there is no solution to provide. If you have a specific question or issue related to this code, I'd be happy to help. This is not a translation task, but rather a snippet of CSS code. However, I can provide some general information about the code. The code defines a font face called 'JudgemeStar' and includes various styles for a widget, including a spinner animation and badge display. If you have any specific questions about the code or would like me to explain certain parts, I'd be happy to help!
Ignorar i passar al contingutTroba els filtres Optolong per a observacions clares i detallades. Ideal per reduir la contaminació lumínica i millorar el contrast dels objectes celestes. Demana el teu filtre Optolong avui mateix!
Descobreix pròximament el programa que recompensa els astrònoms més apassionats: descomptes durant tot l'any, accés a productes reacondicionats, eines per simplificar les teves observacions, i molt més.